born in 1649, Fiskars Ruukki, Finland. On my frequent business trips to Helsinki, visits to the Stockmann department store would spruce up the occasional boring evening. I remember regularly browsing the hardware department, noticing some very impressive orange and black coloured tools, but always hesitating to purchase. They weren’t too expensive, just beautiful and sturdy […]

Sports bars can save you money. Here’s the calculation: Most normal people who like sports probably really only watch about 5 full games of football / soccer / hockey a month. Those same people have a super expensive cable package to watch those games at home – between $80 and $120. Compare that to: Go […]

I like Weetabix. It was introduced to me in my youth, when my British-raised Cypriot-Dutch cousins would have it on the breakfast table in Cyprus. To a very young Canadian, it was a British cereal. Plain, unassuming, a bit mechanical, and texturally fascinating as the milk mutated the very fabric of the cereal within 10 […]

The more things stay the same, the more my perception changes. When I was a kid, the Pop Shoppe was this weird place in town where they made the soft drinks right in the store and bottled it. It cost less than regular soft drinks and was in those inconvenient glass bottles. My dad was […]

Check out the 17 second mark of this commercial, where they flip the Dairy Queen Blizzard upside down. That’s a real brand ritual that lives on in 2010. Because to this day, at any DQ in North America, if the staff have been trained right, they will flip the Blizzard upside down, just before handing […]

For the un-georgepneumaticos.comified, here’s the recap. I bought a “new” Apple MacBook on October 3 in Fort Lauderdale. I was disappointed on October 21 when Apple launched a better model at the same price. I researched my options, and found out Apple’s return policy on open products is two weeks, plus a 10% restocking fee. Obviously, […]

There are 4 decent-size supermarkets in the town near where I live (Playas del Coco).  Three of them are on the main road, and one of them (Mega Super) is hidden off a side road.  On a future post I will do a video blog of just how bad the signage leading to the store […]

Jamie Oliver doesn’t drink Coca Cola.  How do I know? When visiting Jamie’s Italian in Kingston last spring, I ordered a Coca Cola with my Sausage Papardelle.  I know you’re supposed to drink wine with decent Italian food, but I’ve always liked the contrast between a salty, slightly spicy Italian sausage and that sweet, bubbly […]

Who-wies? Howies. What do I like? Why do I like them? I like Howies Jeans because I like the quality of the materials, the design, the way they iron flat, the different colours, and the way they look different and nicer than normal jeans (product reasons). I like Howies Jeans because I like how I’ve been treated in […]

You remember Circuit City?  The big box store that looked like Best Buy but the sales guys seemed more desperate?  The online Circuit City has been revived by some venture capitalists, but the big boxes remain empty shells.  Until this October that is; many of the old Circuit Cities around America have been converted into […]